10th English (MCQ) Chapter:- 2( Me And The Ecology Bit)

Question 1.Who is the author of ‘Me and the Ecology Bit’ ?

(A) John Hutchinson
(B) Joan Lexau
(C) Toni Morrison
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Joan Lexau

Question 2.It is hard to get people to work for…………….

(A) Environment
(B) Harmony
(C) Forestation
(D) Ecology

Answer:-(D) Ecology

Question 3.What did the author do for environment ?

(A) Doing Plantation
(B) Avoiding Pollution
(C) By Awaring People
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) By Awaring People

Question 4.To whom did the author tell that you should not burn the leaves ?

(A) Mr. John
(B) Mr. Williams
(C) Mr. Charles
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Mr. Williams

Question 5.Which route does the author follow ?

(A) Physical Route
(B) Communication Route
(C) Paper Route
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Paper Route

Question 6.What according to author is good for garden ?

(A) Fertiliser
(B) Irrigation
(C) Comport
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Comport

Question 7.What does Mr. Williams actually mean to say to Jim ?

(A) Compost is not suitable for plants
(B) Compost is not environment friendly
(C) Compost smells up the whole street
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Compost smells up the whole street

Question 8.The narrator told Mr. Vitfiams not to bum leaves as it is…………….. for the air and ecology

(A) Excellent
(B) Bad
(C) Good
(D) Helpful

Answer:-(B) Bad

Question 9.Jim asked Mrs. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children who ……….. them.

(A) Burnt
(B) Bought
(C) Read
(D) Collected

Answer:-(D) Collected

Question 10.Jim told Mr. Johnson that it would reduce……. and save ecology if he did not use his car for travelling to short

(A) Petrol
(B) Pollution
(C) Weight
(D) Diesel

Answer:-(B) Pollution

Question 11.Jim’s mother told him that he used up……. by watching television al the time.

(A) Petrol
(B) Water
(C) Electricity

Answer:-(C) Electricity

Question 12.What type of pollution is created by compost, according Mr. Williams ?

(A) Air Pollution
(B) Nose Pollution
(C) Noise Pollution
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Nose Pollution

Question 13.In the lesson, the narrator talks about how he advises everybody what they should do to protect the

(A) Elderly
(B) Ecology
(C) Children
(D) Pedestrians

Answer:-(B) Ecology

Question 14.Which word in the passage is known as ‘filth’ ? .

(A) Garbage
(B) Compost
(C) Ecology
(D) Fawn

Answer:-(A) Garbage

Question 15.Where was Mrs. Greene piling new spapers ?

(A) Next to her garbage bags
(B) In the comer of garden
(C) Anywere in campus
(D) None of these

Answer:-(A) Next to her garbage bags

Question 16.Who is the author of ‘Me and the Ecology Bit’?

(A) John Hutchinson
(B) Joan Lexau
(C) Toni Morrison
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Joan Lexau

Question 17.It is hard to get people to work for ………………..

(A) Environment
(B) Harmony
(C) Forestation
(D) Ecology

Answer:-(D) Ecology

Question 18.In “Me and the Ecology Bit”, he narrator talks about how he advises every body what they should do to protect the
(A) elderly
(B) ecology
(C) children
(D) pedestrians

Answer:-(B) ecology

Question 19.The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is ……………….. for the air and ecology.

(A) excellent
(B) bad
(C) good
(D) helpful

Answer:-(B) bad

Question 20.Jim asked Mr. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children who ……………….. them?

(A) burnt
(B) bought
(C) read
(D) collected

Answer:-(D) collected

Question 21.Who is the author of ‘Me and the Ecology Bit’ ?

(A) John Hutchinson
(B) Joan Lexau
(C) Toni Morrison
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Joan Lexau

Question 22.It is hard to get people to work for………

(A) Environment
(B) Harmony
(C) Forestation
(D) Ecology

Answer:-(D) Ecology

Question 23.What did the author do for environment ?

(A) Doing Plantation
(B) Avoiding Pollution
(C) By Awaring People
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) By Awaring People

Question 24.To whom did the author tell that you should not burn the leaves ?

(A) Mr. John
(B) Mr. Williams
(C) Mr. Charles
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Mr. Williams

Question 25.Which route does the author follow ?

(A) Physical Route
(B) Communication Route
(C) Paper Route
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Paper Route

Question 26.What according to author is good for garden ?

(A) Fertiliser
(B) Irrigation
(C) Comport
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Comport

Question 27.What does Mr. Williams actually mean to say to Jim ?

(A) Compost is not suitable for plants
(B) Compost is not environment friendly
(C) Compost smells up the whole street
(D) None of these

Answer:-(C) Compost smells up the whole street

Question 28.The narrator told Mr. Vitfiams not to bum leaves as it is…………….. for the air and ecology

(A) Excellent
(B) Bad
(C) Good
(D) Helpful

Answer:-(B) Bad

Question 29.Jim asked Mrs. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children who ……….. them.

(A) Burnt
(B) Bought
(C) Read
(D) Collected

Answer:-(D) Collected

Question 30.Jim told Mr. Johnson that it would reduce……. and save ecology if he did not use his car for travelling to short

(A) Petrol
(B) Pollution
(C) Weight
(D) Diesel

Answer:-(B) Pollution

Question 41.Jim’s mother told him that he used up……. by watching television al the time.

(A) Petrol
(B) Water
(C) Electricity

Answer:-(C) Electricity

Question 42.What type of pollution is created by compost, according Mr. Williams ?

(A) Air Pollution
(B) Nose Pollution
(C) Noise Pollution
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Nose Pollution

Question 43.In the lesson, the narrator talks about how he advises everybody what they should do to protect the

(A) Elderly
(B) Ecology
(C) Children
(D) Pedestrians

Answer:-(B) Ecology

Question 44.Which word in the passage is known as ‘filth’ ? .

(A) Garbage
(B) Compost
(C) Ecology
(D) Fawn

Answer:-(A) Garbage

Question 45.Where was Mrs. Greene piling new spapers ?

(A) Next to her garbage bags
(B) In the comer of garden
(C) Anywere in campus
(D) None of these

Answer:-(A) Next to her garbage bags

Question 46.Who is the author of ‘Me and the Ecology Bit’?

(A) John Hutchinson
(B) Joan Lexau
(C) Toni Morrison
(D) None of these

Answer:-(B) Joan Lexau

Question 47.It is hard to get people to work for ………………..

(A) Environment
(B) Harmony
(C) Forestation
(D) Ecology

Answer:-(D) Ecology

Question 48.In “Me and the Ecology Bit”, he narrator talks about how he advises every body what they should do to protect the
(A) elderly
(B) ecology
(C) children
(D) pedestrians

Answer:-(B) ecology

Question 49.The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is ……………….. for the air and ecology.

(A) excellent
(B) bad
(C) good
(D) helpful

Answer:-(B) bad

Question 50.Jim asked Mr. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children who ……………….. them?

(A) burnt
(B) bought
(C) read
(D) collected

Answer:-(D) collected

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